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Besides a Great Teacher You Need a Great Staff

Mrs. Veronica Thornton, left, is a loving a caring person who has been working with autistic children at Lincoln High School for more than a decade. The children and staff in the class enjoy Mrs. Thornton because she always brings a smile to their face.
Ms. Shelia Baron, right, is our classroom aid and is always willing to help with the children. Her personality and spunk help motovate the children to do more than even they think they are capable of.

Ms. Irene is the TSS for Nicholas. The work she has done with him this year is beyond amazing. Her love and caring for Nicholas and all of the children is felt each time she walks in the door.

Mr. Vincent Amadio is our vocational itinerant. He has the exciting job of taking these awesome kids out to different locations to help job-train them. The training they get with Mr. V is very valuable. The smiles that he brings to their faces are priceless.

Class Activities