The Students

The students are the heart of room 155 at Lincoln High School. In this class we have six wonderful students that can make anyone smile.
Kyle is the oldest student and one of the hardest workers. He LOVES going out in the community with Mr. V and is always willing to help with the classroom chores. The only thing that is bigger than Kyles heart is his appetite!
Michael is our music man. There is not a song he does not know
Richard is our artist. His skills are so amazing that he is now in a regular education art class.
Shawn is our ladies man. He is always on the prowl looking his girls.
Nicholas aka Nicky Smiles is the energy of the room. Nicolas has made great progress this year and makes us smile each day. It is Nicks playful mood that keeps Ms. Irene on her toes at times but also keeps her smiling and laughing all day long>
Stephanie the New Yorker. If you need to know how to get around in the big city of New York, Stephanie is your girl. And since she is smart enough to get around that maze of a city, she is able to get around the maze we call Lincoln High School. Next Stop for Stephanie will be college!


Class Activities